Neural Networks vs Convolutional Neural Networks

June 30, 2021


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely used in many industries and Neural Networks (NN) have a crucial role in AI's success. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are a type of neural network that is specifically designed for image recognition and processing, and are becoming increasingly popular in recent years. In this blog post, we will compare the Neural Networks to Convolutional Neural Networks, their strengths, weaknesses, and applications.

Neural Networks (NN)

NN is a type of machine learning algorithm that is inspired by the biological structure of the brain. NN is used for supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning problems. The basic unit of a neural network is a neuron. A neuron is a mathematical function that takes an input, performs a calculation, and produces an output.


  • Ability to learn complex patterns from labeled training data
  • Ability to generalize learned patterns to unseen data
  • Can perform well on structured and unstructured data
  • Can handle multi-dimensional data


  • Require a large amount of data to generalize well
  • Prone to overfitting if not properly regularized
  • Require a lot of computational resources
  • Hard to interpret

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

CNN is a type of neural network architecture that is specifically designed for image recognition and processing. CNN works by essentially learning the features of an image through a hierarchical series of layers that make up the network architecture.


  • Ability to learn hierarchical representations of visual features
  • Can handle large amounts of image data without requiring excessive computation
  • Reduced parameterization
  • Convolution operation reduces the effect of input variations such as translation, rotation etc.


  • Suffers from vanishing gradients problem whilst backpropagation
  • Computational intensive
  • Limited usefulness outside of image processing tasks
  • Requires a large amount of training data for optimal performance

Applications of NN and CNN

NN and CNN have many practical applications in various industries. Below are some of the most common areas in which NN and CNN are widely used.

Neural Network Applications

  • Speech recognition
  • Fraud detection
  • Stock market prediction
  • Sentiment analysis

Convolutional Neural Network Applications

  • Image recognition
  • Object detection
  • Facial recognition
  • Self-driving cars


NN and CNN are both powerful machine learning algorithms that have been instrumental in the success of AI. NN is a universal function approximator and has a wide range of applications in different industries. CNN, on the other hand, is specifically designed for image processing and recognition tasks with reduced parameterization, which makes it computationally less expensive. Understanding the relative strengths and weaknesses of NN and CNN can help in selecting the right algorithm for your application.

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